Welcome to the home of the American Planning Association's Kentucky Chapter - APA-KY. We are an association that brings together practitioners, planning officials, students, and interested citizens into a single and stronger community development forum. APA-KY is dedicated to promoting planning statewide in order to enhance the quality of life in Kentucky. We provide current information on planning issues, practices, and techniques. We are advocates for good planning in national, state and local forums.
For nearly 30 years APA-KY has worked to make the Commonwealth a better place for all Kentuckians. Today we continue our mission of promoting responsible planning practices at all levels. From new urbanism to multimodal transportation options, smart growth to the green revolution; APA-KY is on the cutting edge of planning issues facing Kentucky and America today. Please take a look around our site to learn more about all we do. If you have any questions please contact us. |
To Note:Regional Events & Webinars Coming up: |