Mission Statement The Kentucky Chapter of the American Planning Association promotes planning across the Commonwealth to enhance the quality of life for all who choose to live, work, and enjoy life in Kentucky. We provide leadership to those who wish to be proactive about their future, promote citizen education and empowerment, and assist in promoting sound development practices by bringing diverse voices and viewpoints together to work towards making Kentucky great for all.
Provide best planning practices throughout the Commonwealth.
Increase planning initiatives in both rural and urban communities.
Promote social equity and diversity within the profession and through community planning efforts and practices.
Increase citizen awareness and understanding regarding the role and value of planning in community and regional development.
Provide and support educational opportunities in Planning for Professional Planners, Students, Elected Officials and Citizen Planners.
Promote effective planning through legislative efforts.
Encourage membership involvement in Chapter activities, retention of existing members, and the addition of new members.
Network with other organizations in an effort to foster support for APA-KY goals and objectives.
Organizational Profile The American Planning Association - Kentucky Chapter brings together practitioners, planning officials, students, and interested citizens into a single and stronger community development forum. We provide current information on planning issues, practices, and techniques. We are advocates for good planning in national, state and local forums.
Bylaws The American Planning Association - Kentucky Chapter is governed by the Chapter Bylaws to govern its members and to regulate its affairs.
Chapter Development Plan The APA-KY Chapter Development Plan was last updated and approved by the general membership of the Chapter at in March 2021.