The 2018 APA-KY Annual Meeting will be held on Thursday, May 10, 2018 at 2:45pm during the Spring Conference.
Click here for the Annual Meeting Agenda. Click here for the 2017 Annual Meeting minutes. We are now accepting nominations for the 2018 APA-KY Planning Awards. Nominations must be submitted no later than April 20, 2018. Self-nominations are encouraged. Awards will be given in the following categories:
Click here to download the nomination form. The 2018 Regular Session of the KY Legislature convened on January 2 in Frankfort.
So far, legislators have introduced 547 bills, including many relevant to planning and zoning. Please click here for a detailed listing summarizing those. There are a few bills already that are of interest and/or have the potential for significant impact on planning issues, such as:
We welcome your feedback on these bills in particular, as well as on the bills listed here, especially if any of them affect your jurisdiction. If you are aware of any bill not listed that you feel is important for us to track, please let us know. We would like to generate some discussion among the membership to determine whether there are any bills on which the KY Chapter should consider taking a position or whether there are any bills of interest that we would consider encouraging members to contact their legislators about. Please email Kristan Curry ([email protected]) or Parker Sherwood ([email protected]) if you would like to be added to our list and receive regular legislative updates. The APA-KY 2018 Spring Conference will be May 9-11 in Berea.
More information to come.... Kentucky has four new members of the American Institute of Certified Planners. Congratulations to Vicki Birenberg, Samantha Castro, Laura Mattingly, and Brooke Viehmann for passing the AICP Exam during the Spring 2017 testing period. Not only did they pass the exam, but they endured a six week waiting period to find out their results, which was brought on by the AICP Board’s review of the newly formatted exam. Once again, congratulations on your accomplishment and don’t forget to log your training hours!
And while we’re talking about the AICP test, just a friendly reminder that the application period for the Spring 2018 testing period will begin December 1. This will be the first opportunity for planners and students who qualify under the new AICP Candidate Pilot Program will be eligible to register for the exam. For more information about the AICP Candidate Pilot Program please go to And as always, if you have any questions about the AICP process or need study information, please email Brian Davis at [email protected]. The APA-KY Annual Meeting will be held Thursday, May 18, 2017 at 2:45pm at Lake Cumberland State Resort Park during the Spring Conference.
Annual Meeting Agenda:
We have a few proposed changes to the APA-KY Chapter Bylaws that will be voted on duing the Annual Meeting at the APA-Ky Spring Conference on Thursday, May 18, 2017, at Lake Cumberland State Resort Park. We will also vote on adoption of the updated Chapter Development Plan. Please review the changes and be prepared to vote on May 18.
Click here to download the proposed bylaw changes. Click here to download the updated Chapter Development Plan. APA-KY will hold its annual meeting on Thursday, May 18, 2017, at Lake Cumberland State Resort Park as part of our Spring Conference schedule. The awards ceremony and annual meeting are slated to begin at 2:45 pm, but check the final program for the actual meeting time.
The APA-KY Board will consider adoption of changes to the Chapter Development Plan, bylaws and chapter dues structure. APA requires that each state chapter’s strategic plan be updated every two years and bylaws be updated every four years. Copies of the proposed changes to each document are posted on the APA-KY website for review prior to the May 18th meeting. While there are not significant changes proposed to the Chapter Development Plan, there are two significant bylaws changes proposed. First, as recommended by APA, APA-KY has moved our election cycle to synch with the APA election cycle which necessitates changes to the bylaws to reflect the timing for nominations, ballots, voting, etc. The second proposed change to the bylaws is to allow the membership to vote on changes to dues structure at the annual meeting. APA National has mandated that, by the end of 2017, all chapters migrate from a flat rate due (ours is currently $35) to a sliding scale based on a percentage of each member’s APA dues (APA National dues are based on each member’s annual income). Kentucky’s flat rate was last increased in 2010 from $25 to $35. This change is important for a couple of reasons. First, tying chapter dues to the income-based formula for APA dues is inherently more equitable. Kentucky members who are in lower-paid positions will pay lower chapter dues than members who earn more. Second, a percentage-based dues structure will provide greater financial stability to the chapter and avoid the need for the chapter to periodically revisit the dues structure. Based on current revenue from dues, the executive committee anticipates recommending a 17% rate which will maintain revenue slightly above current. Analyzing a sample of 2016 APA-KY membership data, with a 17% rate, salaries less than $50,000 should see a dues decrease, salaries between $50,000 and $80,000 should see an increase between $3 and $10 per year and salaries greater than $80,000 should see an increase between $15 and $30 per year. Based on this data, approximately 40% of APA-KY membership will see a decrease in dues, 40% will see a very modest increase, and the remaining 20% will see a more significant increase. APA-KY remains committed to providing the highest possible level of service to its members and chapter dues are the primary funding source for these services. We strive to provide quality continuing education opportunities around the state for both planners and planning commission/board of adjustment members, networking opportunities, access to job and RFP/RFQ postings, newsletters and email communications, and legislative advocacy. I hope and trust that all members will understand that APA-KY is following the mandate established by APA National, and while dues will increase for a portion of the membership, the executive committee has worked diligently to analyze the data and propose a percentage that is in keeping with current revenue and this is not an effort to significantly increase revenue. This is evident in the fact that of the 27 chapters that have already converted to the percentage based dues, two have adopted 15%, one 18%, and the remaining chapters range between 25% and 45%. Brian Howard, AICP APA-KY Presisent Purpose: Pro bono technical assistance to help communities develop a strategic vision and promote community resiliency, usually by focusing on a specific issue and/or geographic area.
Eligibility: Any local government (city, town, special status, county) in the United States or Canada. What it is: Five-person multidisciplinary teams of public and private sector experts from fields relevant to the community's need (e.g., sustainability, climate change, planning, architecture, landscape architecture, engineering, economic development, finance, the arts). Click here for more information. Click here to read the Fall 2016 APA-KY Chapter Newsletter.
If you did not receive the Newsletter via email and would like to subscribe to APA-KY email notifications, please send an email to [email protected] and indicate that you with to subscribe to the list. |