The Bluegrass Area Development District, one of fifteen multi-county Area Development Districts (ADD’s) in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, is seeking a regional transportation planner to assist with transportation planning activities in its seventeen county district.
The primary objective of this position is the analysis of transportation systems and data, the identification and evaluation of transportation needs in the region, the coordination of public input for the Kentucky Statewide Transportation Plan, the Kentucky Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan, and the subsequent evaluation and prioritization/ranking of projects in the Unscheduled Needs List (UNL) of the Commonwealth. The candidate will be concerned with all modes of transportation within the geographic boundary. Click her for the job announcement. More information can be found at: The City of Covington is currently seeking a Historic Preservation & Planning Specialist to join our Economic Development Department. Covington places a high value on preserving our significant historic building stock, while being open to innovative new interventions like solar awnings and contemporary but compatible infill construction. Our historic preservation program encompasses seven historic preservation overlay zones which contain almost 2000 buildings. The Preservation and Planning Specialist is the primary contact for citizens, property owners, businesses and tenants interested in preserving and maintain historic buildings within the City.
Click here for the full job announcement. The Boone County Planning Commission is interested in filling a Planner position. Boone County, Kentucky is the leader in population and job growth in Northern Kentucky and the home to the CVG Airport. The community has a diverse economic base of industrial, retail, medical, office, tourism and recreation. The primary duties of the Planner position are to review plans and permits, prepare reports and conduct field inspections. Qualifications include a Bachelor's degree in planning or related field with at least 2 years of pertinent work experience. Detailed knowledge of land use planning and zoning principles are a requirement of this position. Demonstrated technical, interpersonal, public speaking, organizational, computer (GIS), research and written skills are also required. A detailed job description and position requirements are available at Salary is based upon qualifications and work experience. The position also includes an excellent benefits package.
Send letter of interest, resume, salary requirements and three work references to: Kevin T. Wall, AICP Director, Zoning Services Boone County Planning Commission P.O. Box 958 Burlington, KY 41005 The Boone County Planning Commission is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The City of Clayton, Ohio is accepting proposals from qualified consultants and firms for the updating and rewriting of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Control Ordinance to create a Consolidated Development Ordinance. Consultants and firms must have experience and knowledge in the fields of municipal planning and zoning, including experience in the writing and updating of zoning, subdivision, and consolidated development code regulations. The City is looking for form based or context sensitive applications in the development of the new regulations creating both design and infill standards for development in both the City’s existing developed areas as well as greenfield targeted growth areas. Key components of the revisions would place emphasis on connectivity, walkability, complete streets, mixed use commercial nodes that enhance quality of life in the City, and increased user friendliness, with a particular focus on illustrations and graphics.
Helpful Links: Current Zoning Code - Updated Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Click here for the full RFP. |
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January 2025